As defacto resident anti-abuse/computer security guy for my friends and family, someone recently asked me for advice about which porn sites were safe to browse.
While I can't answer specifically (everyone's tastes differ), I can say this:
Use Firefox to browse, you can download it at
Then (and this is important)
download the following pluginsNetcraft toolbar
Web o trust
McAffe Siteadvisor
(use the firefox 'addons' menu under tools press 'get addos' then 'browse all addons' then use search)
Of course, always
make sure your operating system is kept up to date, (you should have your update checker to do so automatically, daily) as well as all your other software.
Run anti-virus and antu-spyware software (preferably two programs for each, if possible) and keep THEM up to date, check for new updates hourly if your program lets you.
One great way to keep software up to date is by using - you can pay $30/year and it checks everything on your hard drive and updates it automatically.
Never install plugins offered to you by a porn website (instead, install Adobe Flash, Quicktime, Realplayer and so on directly from their respective websites ONLY)
Never click on porn advertised by spam. Good porn doesn't need spam to advertise it.
Happy Surfing!